
Foi selecionada sobre desempenho estrutural de painéis intertravados de bambu e bio-concreto

Paraíba teve projeto selecionado na CHAMADA MOBILITY CONFAP ITALY

publicado: 25/05/2020 00h00, última modificação: 27/05/2020 10h37
Mobily Italy.png


Divulgado o resultado da Chamada MOBILITY CONFAP-ITALY MCI 2019

A Paraíba teve o projeto do pesquisador José Augusto Gomes Neto (UFPB) selecionado na Chamada MOBILITY CONFAP-ITALY MCI 2019, por meio da Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa da Paraíba. A pesquisa será desenvolvida com a Universitá di Bologna. O título da pesquisa é "Desempenho estrutural de painéis intertravados de bambu e bio-concreto". 

Veja abaixo mais informações:

The call opens on August 27th 2019 and will close on October 21st, 2019.

Brazilian State Funding Agencies (FAPs), articulated through the Brazilian National Council of State Funding Agencies (CONFAP), are launching a call for proposal offering support to researchers from Brazil, based in Brazilian higher education and research institutions, who are willing to working in research in Italy, in collaboration with local colleagues.

The objective of the agreement is to facilitate and support effective collaboration between the Parties for scientific, technological and innovation cooperation, through the mobility between the two countries of PhD students, Master students (Mestrado or Laurea Magistrale students) and post-docs.

The call offers support for researchers in Brazil through Scholarships.


The following Brazilian State Funding Agencies support the present call:
1. Paraná - Fundação Araucária
2. Pernambuco - FACEPE
3. Federal District - FAPDF
4. Alagoas – FAPEAL
5. Amazonas - FAPEAM
6. Goiás - FAPEG
7. Maranhão - FAPEMA
8. Mato Grosso - FAPEMAT
9. Minas Gerais - FAPEMIG
10. Rio Grande do Sul – FAPERGS
11. Rio de Janeiro - FAPERJ
12. Espírito Santo - FAPES
13. Bahia - FAPESB
14. Santa Catarina - FAPESC
15. São Paulo - FAPESP
16. Paraíba - FAPESQ
17. Mato Grosso do Sul - FUNDECT

18. Pará - FAPESPA (Corrigendum 1)


Applications must be sent within the 21st of October 2019, through the link:

Researchers from the States of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco and Minas Gerais must send proposals within the call’s link mentioned above and also directly to:

• São Paulo - FAPESP:

• Rio de Janeiro – FAPERJ, available through the link:

• Pernambuco - FACEPE:

• Minas Gerais - FAPEMIG:

For further information, please contact

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